Sunday, October 6, 2019

Plant and Fungus Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Plant and Fungus - Essay Example Variably, fungi that include mushroom and yeast contribute in the preparation of beverages and are of medical value. Notably, my personal interaction with plants and fungi depicts positive results and their relevance in facilitating individual’s wellbeing. The organisms bear fruits, seeds and other products that are of high value to human life. Most people have been using the yields from the organisms as a source of food, fuel, energy and beverage. It has come into my attention that some seed plants and fungi are good medicinal products that are used in curing certain diseases that affect human development (Jabr, 2011). Secondly, the yields from the items are used in achieving nutritional balance since they provide food rich in diverse nutrients. Similarly, fungi organisms are widely depended on by most farmers as farm fertility boosters as they facilitate decomposition and recycling of organic matter (Reece, Urry, Cain, Wasserman, Minorsky, Jackson & Campbell, 2014). Farmers use them in ripening Roquefort and other products including blue cheese. From my interactions with the organisms, it is apparent that human welfare and vibrancy is dependent on the kind of food items, products one uses and the freshness of the environment. No one can thrive without consuming healthy food with superior nutritional content and breathing fresh air. It is inevitably true that I am in the business of using various types of plants and fungi, and they are affecting my life positively. In particular, I use maize, rice, wheat, mushroom and potatoes as food in most occasions. The food items constitute my favorite meals ever since, and their preference is based on the nutritional value (Reece et al, 2014). Subsequently, flowering plants such as tea, coffee and cocoa have formed key sources of my beverage. On the other hand, yeast that is a renowned type of fungi remains a vital source of my alcoholic beverage.

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