Monday, October 21, 2019

Example Sentences of the Verb Pay

Example Sentences of the Verb Pay This page provides example sentences of the verb pay in all tenses including active and passive forms, as well as conditional and modal forms. Base Form pay / Past Simple paid / Past Participle paid / Gerund paying Present Simple Jack usually pays by credit card. Present Simple Passive The bill is paid at the end of every month. Present Continuous Tom is paying the bill now. Present Continuous Passive The bill is being paid now. Present Perfect Have you paid the telephone bill yet? Present Perfect Passive Has the telephone bill been paid yet? Present Perfect Continuous Jill has been paying their bills for years. Past Simple Tom paid for the vacation last month. Past Simple Passive The vacation was paid for by Tom last month. Past Continuous She was paying the waiter when the man walked into the restaurant. Past Continuous Passive The bill was being paid when the man walked into the restaurant. Past Perfect Peter had already paid the bill when I offered to get it. Past Perfect Passive The bill had already been paid when I offered to get it. Past Perfect Continuous She had been paying off all the accounts when her debt was forgiven. Future (will) Alice will pay him soon. Future (will) Passive He will be paid soon by Alice. Future (going to) Alice is going to pay him at the end of the week. Future (going to) Passive He is going to be paid at the end of the week. Future Continuous This time next week we will be paying off all the employees. Future Perfect He will have been paid over $100,000 by the end of the year. Future Possibility She might pay for dinner. Real Conditional If she pays for dinner, we wont eat very much. Unreal Conditional If she paid for dinner, we wouldnt eat very much. Past Unreal Conditional If she had paid for dinner, we wouldnt have eaten so much. Present Modal She must pay all her bills this week. Past Modal She cant have paid all her bills last month! Quiz: Conjugate With Pay Use the verb to pay to conjugate the following sentences. Quiz answers are below. In some cases, more than one answer may be correct. The bill _____ at the end of every month.Tom _____ for the vacation last month.The bill _____ when the man walked into the restaurant.Alice _____ him soon. I promise.He _____ over $100,000 by the end of the year._____ the telephone bill _____ yet?Peter _____ already _____ the bill when I offered to get it.If she _____ for dinner, we wouldnt eat very much._____ you p_____ the telephone bill yet?He _____ at the end of the week as scheduled.   Quiz Answers is paidpaidwas being paidwill paywill have been paidHas  been paidhad already paid  paidHavepaidis going to be paid

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