Tuesday, October 1, 2019

Lingnan University Student Canteen Imc Plan

MKT231 Advertising & IMC LNU Student Canteen discussion Student answers will vary and the following is a suggested framework: Targeting Benefits Sought: Needs States| Brand Offer| Personal/Brand Purpose| The rest place for Lingnan Ren: a global village where we are all equal and creativity rules Historical background: Shi Jianru, one of its former LNU students, unsuccessfully tried to assassinate the Viceroy of Guangdong and Guangxi. | Social/User Imagery| A friendly, youthful, energetic and comfortable setting.A safe haven for the free willed where everyone is equal. There is no deadline, no pulling ranks nor evaluations. No subjects are banned and only creativity rules. | Physiological/Functional attributes| Quick, convenient, economic and hygienic food and beverage services. A balanced mix of Asian and Western food items, authentic cuisines between HKD20-50 per head. | Multiple target groups should be identified. Three key target groups and their segmentation traits are discussed here using demographics, psychographics, relationship intensity and benefits sought:Student: Aged 18-24, limited affordability, prefer to spend money on experience and experimentation: e. g. hot items, travel, partying with friends. They are on the move all the time, plenty of hobby and interest but lack of time, patience and sleep. Food is a necessary routine and all they need is a temporary rest stop. Daily users. Most important user group in value and number, about 2000+. Teaching faculty and working staff: Aged 20+. Higher affordability. Comes in for lunch mainly, 12-2pm.Food is more than feeding hunger. Demand higher quality food and variety in choice. Daily users. Second largest user group in number, about 300+ and value. As they got more options and means to eat outside, their loyalty is lower. Residents living in the neighborhood/Visitors: Occasional users. Lacks loyalty. Not important group during the term but key opportunity during summer break. Lowest priority. Thus our d iscussion will focus on the student target group from now onwards. SWOT Analysis:Strength:Convenient location, Clean and CozyOctopus payment system, smart orderingFavorite place to meet your friendsGood value, $12-30 meals| Weakness:Limited choicesBad publicity due to unfriendly service| Opportunity:$6000 hand out from HK Gov'tStudents are experience driven: enjoy games ; promotionsStudents are keen on Mobile Apps. | Threat:Rising labor cost with min. wage| Positioning After considering the category drivers (low involvement, habitual repeat path driven by convenience and variety seeking), LNU unique product attributes, competitive landscape and student AIOs, the following positioning and perceptual map is created:Lingnan University Student Canteen is catering for Students who seek the quick, convenient, economic and hygienic food and beverage services with a friendly, clean, relaxing and comfortable setting because LNU canteen offers a balanced mix of Asian and Western food items, c ash free Octopus payment and Smart ordering system between HKD20-50 per head. It is better in value and more convenient over Fu Tai Chinese restaurant and Red Chamber cafe. Above all, it is a safe haven where everyone is equal. There is no deadline or evaluations.Your friend is here, your favorite music is in the air and your favorite dish is on the menu. Feel free to have a break! Perceptual Map IMC Objectives: Application of the SMART criteria and TFD framework against prioritized SWOT issues: – need to reinforce convenience and value proposition with friendly service – address need for variety with menu rotation driven by student inputs with exciting user imagery and brand purpose of LNU canteen – address bad publicity due to unfriendly service with value added promotion by proactive agenda settingInformational Achieve 95% awareness among all students on the new customer service offer i) no waiting in line pre-order service from 12:30-1:30pm with BBQ pork ric e ii) menu rotation three times per week iii) launch of tea break promotion via LNU student canteen facebook: free toast at 3:15pm for two drinks order within 30 days of launch of campaign. Attitudinal Achieve 80% customer satisfaction and My Favorite lunch place among daily student customers 6 months after the launch of campaign.Associate LNU canteen with the following attributes: FUN, Creative, Equal and student centered global village Behavioral Achieve growth of i) 15% in number of customers ii) 25% in afternoon tea break customers iii) 25% growth in average daily revenue among all LNU students by May 15, 2012. Strategies and Tactics As everything communicates, students are expected to deploy the four Rs of purposeful dialogue and four customer touch point concepts with the IMC strategies and tactics instead of grading students on creativity.The following discussions are for illustrative purpose than an exhaustive list. INTRINSICS/RECOURSE: Create easy access to duty manager to address performance issues with visible service pledge display at front service area. Proactive anticipation of student needs and wants by addressing variety seeking motive with menu rotation and reduce waiting in-line during lunch break at BBQ stand with pre-order service. COMPANY INITIATED/RESPECT: create promotions that add value to students – e. g. free finger sandwich for tea break of two and use of mobile media that student prefer.Examination period promotions: Buy one get one free coffee offer with meal box order. Active solicitation of student input to preference in menu items, music and promotion scheme through student suggestion scheme that reward constructive entries with prizes. Invite students to nominate most friendly canteen staff on monthly basis. Invite students to try new dishes of coming menu entries. Enhance meal experience with thematic promotions with special occasions: Valentine's Day, Birthdays, Anniversary celebration, Student society function and par ties etc.Example of promotion ideas: fund raising and food menu design competition for LNU societies. $10000 for the winning idea based on number of Facebook likes and purchases. Celebrate National days of different countries with special menu items and cater for the variety seeking needs. Invite student societies to stage creative or LNU event exhibits. Involve and engage real students on what they care and interested in. More research will be required. CUSTOMER INITIATED/RECOGNITION: facilitate student preference to give feedback with LNU student canteen FACEBOOK host page on anonymous basis.UNEXPECTED/RESPONSIVENESS: address negative publicity with concrete customer service pledge and put complaint into context with CAP. Message creative and Story Telling Format: As food and beverage items are largely low involvement, experience driven impulsive purchases. Demonstration in store and Emotional pitches are most effective. Media Strategies: Out of home and Interactive mobile phone m edia reflecting the student communication habits and mobile status. Examples of specific initiatives driven by rational and consistent target audience analysis will be rewarded with discretionary credits.Communication Mix: Priority should be focused on: Customer Service, Personal Selling and Packaging to reflect the service nature of QSR business and Habit/Repeat purchase pattern. On the other hand, Advertising, Promotion, Event Marketing, Publicity and Direct marketing will be critical for creating new consumption occasions with day parts beyond lunch and other special occasions like student party, society functions. Specific examples to illustrate these applications will be rewarded with discretionary credits.

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