Thursday, October 31, 2019

Depreciation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Depreciation - Essay Example The management of a business usually selects an appropriate method of depreciation depending on the kinds of assets employed in the business, the nature and purposes for which the assets are put to use in the business and the general conditions prevailing in the business environment. Sometimes the business may use a combination of one or more methods of charging depreciation. With this background, this paper analyses the calculation and accounting of depreciation for various kinds of assets in the light of the statement that "Accountants generally prefer to show fixed assets on the balance sheets of limited companies at their original cost, less an estimated amount of depreciation." "The assets of a business arephysical resources owned and used by the business and arelisted on the balance sheet to reflect the value." The assets are classified into two major classifications: current assts and non-current assets. Current assets are those which can be or expected to be converted into cash within a short trading cycle usually a year or so. The current assets are usually short term assets and are meant to be for the short term use of the business. Examples of current assets are cash, inventory and receivables. The non-current assets representing fixed assets that are of long term or more permanent in nature employed in the business. The non-current assets include assets like land, buildings, plant and machinery, equipments and vehicles. The non-current assets have some characteristic features that are common to this class of assets. The purpose of acquiring these assets is to use in the business as against converting into cash on a business venture. Except for the investments in land, the cost of other non-current assets is gradually written off over the period of useful life. This amount that is being written off is being treated as an expense for doing the business and is reflected as depreciation in the profit and loss statement of the business. The depreciation is a periodic charge over the respective assets. The dollar value of non-current assets is shown on the balance sheet as the original cost of the item at the time of purchase (the net asset value is calculated by deducting the accumulated depreciation from the marginal cost)(Business Victoria) 3.0 Definition of Depreciation: A precise definition of depreciation may take the following form: "Depreciation is a measure of the wearing out, consumption or other loss of value of a depreciable asset arising from use, effluxion of time or obsolescence through technology and market changes. Depreciation is allocated so as to charge a fair proportion of the depreciable amount in each accounting period during the expected useful life of the asset. Depreciation includes amortisation of assets whose useful life is predetermined. Depreciable assets are assets which (i) are expected to be used during more than one accounting period; and (ii) have a limited useful life; and (iii) are held by an enterprise for use

Monday, October 28, 2019

What it means to be a poor Filipino Essay Example for Free

What it means to be a poor Filipino Essay In every country of the world, the poor people are never absent. They occupy the lowest strata of social stratification. Due to differences in geographical location, economic standing, technological advancement and other social factors, the poor in every country however does not look or live the same way. In the Philippines, a country in the South East Asia, it is easy to identify   the poor people through   the places where they live, the kind of houses they occupy,  Ã‚   the food they eat, the job they are engaged in, their physical appearance, and how and where they spend their free time. In Philippine urban cities, the poorest of the poor are found in congested slum areas. In Manila, its capital, the biggest slum is in Tondo. Here, all sorts of people take residence; the ex-convicts, robbers, drug addicts and prostitutes  Ã‚   mixed with decent poor people.   Some of the poor people in the slums came from other provinces looking for a job in Manila. They spoke different dialects but they understand each other when they use their national language, Tagalog. As one enters the slums, children playing in the narrow alleys usually greet him. He may also found himself in places littered with garbage. What is repulsive at times is that some undisciplined children disposed of their waste on the streets. As one looks around, he will observe that the houses   Ã‚  are closely built   Ã‚  Ã‚  together. Inside these cramped spaces lived a family or two. Most of the owners of the house used one of the rooms for renting. In fact, the slums are the best place for a cheap rent in Manila. What makes life hard in Tondo is that the water are rationed, residents had to wait for a schedule usually late at night to early morning for the water in the faucet to flow. Nights in the slums are noisy due to karaoke bars (bars for singing). Men (and sometimes women) drinking along the alleys contributed to the noise. Nights are also the time for some people to throw their garbage in a nearby river. In the daytime, a mini-market stand sells vegetable, fish, meat, eggs and other food. Often, the vegetables, fish and meat are no longer fresh. The other slums in other cities were much better in Manila although they also have their own sanitary problems to solve. Those who were not able to live in the slums lived under the city bridges or near the train railways. When the train passed by, their houses shook. Many people died as they were run over by a passing train. The poor who did not live in urban cities are much luckier.   In the provinces, not only is it safe, they have a small space of their own, away from the crowds and noise. The houses in the slums are either made of wood or     cement.   The design of the house is very simple, just a door, a room and few windows. They are often very small for there is not enough space. In fact, others do not have rooms at all.   They eat, sleep and entertain in only one place. The dilapidated houses may have streamer cloth, sackcloth or cardboard as covers for the walls. Thankfully, there is no winter in the Philippines or else people living inside will freeze with cold.   In addition, some houses may not have access to windows especially if they were squeezed between other houses so that they have to turn on the light and electric fan most of the time. Inside these houses are a few furnitures: a table, a stool, maybe a sofa, a wooden bed and a cabinet.   The usual appliances are TV, electric fan (for it is hot there especially in the summer), some pots and pans and a burner stove. The poor in the provinces fared much better for even though their houses may be small or they had no electricity, the houses   are usually constructed far apart and equipped with windows and stairs.   The roofs of their houses may be made of nipa, a kind of palm tree that grows in swamps (Peplow, 1991). The Filipinos eat three times a day with rice and a dish that goes with it. The poor however, can only afford to eat twice or once a day. Along with rice, they eat with dried salted fish sold plenty in the market. The other viand is what they call â€Å"bago-ong†, small salted fishes that were left to ferment in a few days inside closed containers. The bago-ong is much cheaper than the dried salted fish( Shead, 2006). For a foreigner, the former may look like fishes left to rot. Other poor popular dishes are vegetables. Cabbage, string beans, cucumber, carrots, and other green and leafy vegetables native in the Philippines can be easily bought in Filipino markets.   The snack of the poor, on the other hand, is usually banana cue sold in nearby food stalls.   They also love to eat fish balls sold by vendors on the street. Fish balls are mostly made of flour mixed with a little fish meat. They are then cooked in a pan full of oil. In cooking, the balls should float in the oil. A matching sauce is served with the fish balls. The poor in the provinces are mostly farmers. On the other hand, the poor in the urban areas engaged in various low-income jobs like working as a laborer, waiter or store attendant. Some work in numerous beauty parlors to cut or trim hairs, paint nails, or do body massage. The poorest of them collects empty bottles, metals, etc from the garbage, and sell their find in the junkshop. In the government, the poor work as Metro Aides (people who sweep the streets) or as garbage collectors. The others work in various offices as clerks, computer encoders and call center agents. Many of these poor people now have parents working as skilled workers all over the world. In a way, their way of living had improved. Many children of the poor now study as caregivers, nursing aides or nurses in the hope that someday they will be able to work in other countries. Those who do not have any relatives abroad to support their studies financed their studies as working students. The interest for medical courses is prompted by the fact that Filipino medical professionals are now in demand all over the world. They endured the loneliness of being away from home as long as they are able to support their families financially. There are some sad stories, however, for some married couples who went away or were left behind find other partners so that there are many broken families in the Philippines right now. It is easy to distinguish the poor in terms of their physical appearance. They usually dressed simply. The teenagers wear jeans and T-shirts. Older women sometimes wear a blouse and a skirt, but most of the time they also wear jeans and shirts. When they have errands or have to go to the city, they usually wear a fake  Ã‚   jewelry.   In spite of their simplicity, they often looked and smell clean for the Filipinos love to take a bath, sometimes twice a day. The only exceptions of course are the beggars and street children in the streets. They really do dress the part; unclean tattered clothes, unkempt hair and they looked as if they had no taken a bath in months! One thing noticeable about the poor Filipinos, especially the teenagers, is that most of them have cell phones. They love to text their friends.   But they have to be careful because there are many snatchers in the street. Only the rich can afford new models, though. Filipino men love to play basketball. In the slum areas, they may not have formal basketball courts but they hang a ring anywhere; in walls of houses, buildings or posts, just to play the game. The space is limited so they contended themselves with only one ring. Sometimes this can cause contention with the neighbors, for a bouncing ball may hit the windows or furniture inside the houses.   Some neighbors also complained of noise. The teenagers on the other hand love to hang out just anywhere, in the plaza or sometimes ,if they have the money, in   internet cafes. The Filipinos love to socialize, even if they have little money, they still find a way to connect to their friends through rented computers. Meanwhile, older men entertain themselves not in fancy restaurants but in karaoke bars. The Filipinos love to sing and there are many karaoke bars to choose from. On Sundays, they love to go to cockpits to watch or bet on cockfights. The government discouraged the poor from taking part in cockfight betting because most of their meager incomes were lost this way (Peplow, 1991). The greatest setback in being a poor Filipino is the little access to medical care. They just cannot afford to pay hospital bills. The medicines were also costly. Some of them just died in their respective homes even though their illnesses were curable. Many of the poor suffered from tuberculosis. This is curable but since it took six months of medication, it became a burden to the poor. For most, without medicine, they just grew worse and eventually died.   The government is now making an effort to lower down the cost of medicines (Peplow, 1991). Being a poor Filipino is not easy for he is deprived of the many comforts of life. Most poor Filipinos live in uncomfortable dwelling houses or places. They do not eat nutritious foods nor own many material things and had to satisfy themselves with cheap entertainments. References: Peplow, Evelyn. (1991). Introduction to the Philippines. Hong Kong: The Guidebook Company Limited. Shead, Michael P. (2006) â€Å"Filipinos poor; Happy†. Living the Philippines Incorporated. Retrieved February 12, 2008 from

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Frankenstein: The Relationship between God and Man

Frankenstein: The Relationship between God and Man In Mary Shelleys novel, Frankenstein, the book examines a variety of aspects of ambition. For instance, with Victor, ambition proves to be his undoing, and, in turn, Victors example becomes a forewarning for Robert Walton; meanwhile, the Creature is, in a sense, Victors child and thus inherits facets of Victors ambitionbut because the Creature is also a conglomerate of all the humans who embody him, he is thereby also symbolic of Mankinds ambitions that do not fully come to realization nor fulfillment, which is why readers can identify with the Creatures tragic elements. Frankenstein explores the repercussion of man and monster chasing ambition blindly. Victor Frankenstein discovered the obscure secret that allowed him to create life. And after Frankenstein discovered the source of human life, he became utterly absorbed in his experimental creation of a human being and it consumed his life completely. Victors boundless ambition and his yearning to succeed in his efforts to create lif e, and to have his creation praise him as his creator for the life he gave it led him to find ruin and anguish at the end of his ambition. For this I had deprived myself of rest and health. I had desired it with an ardor that far exceeded moderation; but now that I had finished, the beauty of the dream vanished, and breathless horror and disgust filled my heart. (P. 42) Walton wanted to sail to the arctic because no other sailor had ever reached it or discovered its secrets. The monster was created against his will; his ambition was to requite his creation as an appalling outcast and to attain some satisfaction for crumbling the world around Victor. These three characters all acted upon the same blind ambition. The novel asks enduring questions about human nature and the relationship between God and man. The monster displays a similar kind of duality, inciting sympathy as well as dread in all who hear his tale. He requisitions our compassion to the extent that we recognize ourselves in his exceeding loneliness and compare our own life with the Creature. Despised by his creator and wholly alone and hated, he learns what he can of human nature as he eavesdroppes on a family of cottage dwellers, and he educates himself by reading three books that had fortunately fallen across his path, among them Paradise Lost. Who was I? What was I? Whence did I come? (P. 93), the Creature asks himself after reading them. Even though the Creature commits criminal acts, the fact that he has a self-consciousness and his ability to educate himself as a person raises the question of what it really means to be human, what thoughts and emotions it takes to be considered a human-being. It is difficult to think of th e monster as anything less than just that in his entreaty for understanding from Frankenstein when the creature wishes to speak to him: Believe me, Frankenstein: I was benevolent; my soul glowed with love and humanity; but am I not alone, miserably alone? You, my creator, abhor me; what hope can I gather from your fellow-creatures, who owe me nothing? They spurn and hate me. (p. 71). When the Creatures unknown, but helpful acts of kindness toward the De Laceys are returned with baseless animosity, we come to wonder whether it is the world that the creature inhabits, as opposed to something intrinsic that caused him to commit enormity. Nonetheless, he clings on to a conscience and a zealous longing for another kind of existence as well as acceptance and love from another, which Victor cruelly denies him. Modern man is an example of the monster, estranged from his creator-who believes his own origins to be meaningless and accidental,non important and full of rage at the conditions of his existence as well as at his creator. Since the monster has no name of his own, hes not quite an autonomous fellow. Instead, he is bound to his creator. He is naught without Victor. He is as much a part of Frankenstein as he is his own self. The monster comes into the world by a pretty horrendous set of circumstances. He has the physique of a giant, yet a puerile mind. He has an amiable nature, yet his physical deformity hides his benevolence and makes everyone fear and abuse him. His own creator even rejected him because of his hideous looks. His feelings are the most deep and poignant of any characters in this novel, as well as the most conflicted. When I looked around I saw and heard of none like me. Was I, the, a monster, a blot upon the earth from which all men fled and whom all men disowned? (P. 105) To make matters more complicated, the monster is correlated to both Adam and Satan in Paradise Lost. This may seem slightly nebulous. The thing to keep in mind is that the idea at the heart of the monster is his duality. He has a very abstruse duality. He is at once man in his immaculate state before the Fall (the Fall = evil), and yet the manifestation of evil itself. This is starting to sound like Victor Frankenstein. Abstruse dualityconflicting characterizationcould it be that the monster mirrors his maker in his duality? Of course, the other reason the monster turns on humans is because Victor was his last tie to humanity. The monster is one of many people in this text that is affected by loneliness, isolation, and an all around desire for companionship. Victor may have scorned him, resented him, and tried repeatedly to eradicate him, but at least he talked to the monster. At least he recognized the monsters existence. And for a creature that spent most of his wretched life in hiding and exile, alone without anyone there for him, this can be pretty good reason to pursue Victor. Good or bad, Victor is the only relation hes ever had and he tries desperately to cling to this relationship. Do we accuse him? Do we spite him? Do we adore him? Hes tenderhearted. He articulates well with others and he even rescues a little girl from a river. He just gets the cruelty and hatred because hes ugly. Can we blame him if he lashes out in abrupt and absurdly violent ways? From that moment he declared everlasting war against the species, and more than all, against Frankenstein who had formed him and sent him forth to this insupportable misery. (P. 99) This sounds like more clashing emotions. Could it be that we, the reader, feel the equivalent duality of emotions that the monster and Victor feel for each other? One more thing, what does it mean that the fmonster is made out of dead-person pieces? If hes made up out of people, then hes essentially a person himself. But if theyre inert, then hes never really extant in the first place. You could also say that, since hes an aggregate of human parts, hes also a conglomerate of human traits. This might show us the nature of his complex duality. Modern man is also Frankenstein, breaking ties and becoming further away from his creatorusurping the powers of God and irresponsibly tinkering with nature, even if they are full of benign purpose, it ends with malignant results. Although Frankenstein as well as the monster begin with good intentions and become murderers in the end, the monster seem way more softhearted than Victor because he is by nature the outsider of society, whereas Frankenstein purposely removes himself from human society. When Frankenstein first becomes enthralled in his endeavours to create life, as he collects materials from a slaughterhouse and disecting room. Frankenstein also breaks his ties with friends and family during his hindering work, and he becomes increasingly confined. His father reproaches him for this; eliciting Frankenstein to think to himself what his single-minded quest for knowledge has cost him, and whether or not it is morally acceptable. After he looks back on his mistakes, he concludes that, contrary to his credence at the time it was not worth it, If no man allowed any pursuit whatsoever to interfere with the tranquility of his domestic affections, Greece had not been enslaved; Caesar would have spared his country; America would have been discovered more gradually; and the empires of Mexico and Peru had not been destroyed. (p. 35). Natural world is like Eden and will be corrupted through too much knowledge (science). [ProofBiblical Conception of Knowledge; man evicted from paradise for knowing too much; Prometheus reined in by Gods; novel written in Romantic era which upholds the values that Progress is Dangerous and that there must be a return to Idealized Past]. Through Victor and Walton, Frankenstein represents human beings as deeply ambitious, and yet also deeply erroneous. The labors of men of genius, however erroneously directed, scarcely ever fail in ultimately turning to the solid advantage of mankind. (P. 29) Both Victor and Walton fantasize of transforming society and bringing prestige to themselves through their scientific conquests. Yet their ambitions also make them ignorant. Blinded by dreams of glory, they fail to consider the repercussions of their actions. So while Victor turns himself into a god, a creator, by bringing his monster to life, this only highlights his fallibility when he is ultima tely inept of fulfilling the obligation that a creator has to its creation. Victor thinks he will be like a god, but ends up the progenitor of a devil. Walton, at least, turns back from his quest to the North Pole before getting himself and his crew annihilated, after hearing Victors tale about the devastating aftermath of pushing the boundaries of exploration. I will not lead you on, unguarded and ardent as I then was, to your destruction and infallible misery. Learn from me, if not by my precepts, at least by my example, how dangerous is the acquirement of knowledge, and how much happier that man is who believes his native town to be the world, than he who aspires to become greater than his nature will allow. (P. 33) He learns from Victors tragedy. After Victor dies, he turns the ship back to England, trying not to make the same mistakes that Victor made in the obsessive compulsion that destroyed his life, but he does so with the resentful conclusion that he has been deprived of t he glory he originally sought. Frankenstein is an expostulation of humanity, specifically of the human concept of science, enlightenment, technical progress, and a deeply humanistic effort full of empathy for the human state of our own condition. Victor is a brilliant, sentimental, visionary, and accomplished young man whose studies in natural philosophy (p. 31) and chemistry evolve from A fervent longing to penetrate the secrets of nature. (p. 22). As the novel develops and the plot thickens, Frankenstein and his monster oppose each other and fight one another for the portrayal of the main protagonist of the story. We are inclined to identify with Frankenstein, who is admired by his immaculate friends and family alike and even by the ship captain Robert, who saves him, berserk by his pursuit for vengeance, from the piece of ice he had been stranded on. He still is a human being, nevertheless. Notwithstanding, regardless of his humanitarian aspiration to Banish disease from the human frame and render man invulnera ble to any but a violent death! (p. 43), Frankenstein becomes tangled in a hostile pursuit that is the single and main cause that lead him to destroy his own well-being and to remove himself from his fellow-creatures as ifguilty of a crime (p. 35). His irresponsibility is the stimulant, the foundation of what causes the death of those around him, his family, his friends and his love and he falls under the ascendancy of his own creation and fails to break free from the chains that bind him. Neither Victor nor Walton could liberate themselves from their blinding ambitions, they made it seem that all men, and notably those who pursue to raise themselves up in renown above the rest of society and even god, are in fact impetuous and imperfect creatures with feeble and defective natures. We can all learn from Victors last words to Walton, Seek happiness in tranquility and avoid ambition, even if it be only the apparently innocent one of distinguishing yourself in science and discoveries. (P. 162)

Thursday, October 24, 2019

To Live Without Fear in the Age of Terrorism Essay -- September 11 Ter

To Live Without Fear in the Age of Terrorism      Ã‚  Ã‚   We can rebuild the New York City skyline, but the question for a nation that has for two centuries felt safe at home is how we rebuild our sense of security. We are painfully realizing that the fears and anxieties terrorism is designed to arouse may be not of a moment but the harbinger of a whole new era. We can fight the Taliban, but how to fight a ghost army that went to war with us before we were at war with it, an army that has injected its menace even into the everyday routine of opening a letter?    It has not helped that the government has been unable to answer basic questions. Is it safe to open mail? Is the anthrax of domestic or foreign origin? How many letters were contaminated? Who sent them?    Immediate answers to all these questions are hard. But that's precisely why the first lesson for the new era is to trust the people with the truth as far as it is known. Anthrax may not be contagious, but fear is, and the key to avoiding panic is to shun spin control. If fear of alarming people was the reason we were misled about the lethal nature of the powder in the envelope to Sen. Tom Daschle(CNN), it was a blunder. National morale will depend on clear and effective public communication along the lines set by New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani(Phoenix) and Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld. Both met the challenge, because both have a command presence and speak the language of common sense as they level with the American public. They are not afraid to say, "I don't know." This is what will enable American citizens, like the citizens of Israel, not just to live with terrorism and fear but to channel their fears productively and, finally, to transcend them. ... ...nstitutions that fight for us and defend us: the military, the FBI, the CIA, the uniformed services in each of our communities. We support whatever they may have to do in order to win this war, including taking on morally ambiguous and hazardous actions against a ruthless enemy who seeks to destroy our values and our civil order.    We do all this because we all feel we are a part of a country unique for its qualities of freedom and liberty. And we draw from the power of a free society to commit ourselves to this mission of prevailing against evil. Our goal is humane and simple: to return to a normal life-to live without fear.    WORKS CITED:   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚      

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Leadership Styles Essay

MOTIVATION Giving the input on leadership styles and influence process, we should presume the aim is to understand and improve the style of functioning as a leader. To start with, there must have clear idea as to what is meant by leadership. Leadership is the activity of influencing people to strive willingly for group objectives. This process is a function of the leader, the followers and the situation. In any situation trying to influence the behaviour of another individual or group, leadership is operating. Thus one tries leadership at one time or the other, whether activities are centred around a business, educational institution, hospital, political organization, Government organization or a family. As part of this process, one who attempts to influence the behaviour of others becomes a potential leader and the persons he is attempting to influence are the potential followers. This may happen irrespective of the fact that the leader may be their boss or a colleague (associate) or a subordinate or a friend or a relative. In other words through a style of. functioning he influences attitudes and expectations, which in turn encourage or discourage the follower’s activity or achievement, enhance or diminish the follower’s commitment to the work, etc. In our day-to-day life, we come across instances of how people are influenced by the activities or word of a person who is trying to lead them. We always make judgments about the leaders of our own office. In our mind, we make a difference between a good leader and a bad one, by judging his style or way of functioning and his influence on others. Hence, in understanding the phenomenon of leadership, priority must first understand the various styles of the leaders. [4] LEADERSHIP STYLES The word style is the way in which the leader influences followers. Person and environment function in conjunction with the behaviour itself and reciprocally interact to determine behaviour. A person, through his actions, produces the environmental conditions that affect his behaviour in a reciprocal fashion. The experience generated by behaviour also partly determines what a person becomes and can do. This in turn affects his subsequent behaviour. The theory is called social learning theory because, individuals learn in an environment in the process of interacting with each other which is a social process. The application of this theory in understanding the behaviour of a leader and the continuous reciprocal interaction between the   person (leader’s cognitions) and environment (including subordinates and their needs, experiences, objectives in the organization. abilities, skills, energy performance, etc. known as contingencies that regulate their behaviour).The three aspects of this theory of leadership assume that the leader knows how his behaviour is controlled by various needs, situations and experiences that he undergoes. The leader works with the subordinates to discover what those needs situations and experience. The leader and the subordinates jointly attempt to discover ways in which they can manage their individual behaviour to produce mutually satisfying as well as organisationally productive outcomes. In this approach, the leader and the subordinates have a negotiable and interactive relationship. They are continuously aware of how they can modify or influence each other’s behaviour by giving the rewards or holding back the performance respectively. [4,5,6] TYPES OF LEADER AND POWER CONCEPT Formal Leader A formal leader is selected by the organization. For example, a manager is a formal leader by virtue of the authority coming from the organization. He influences others to help accomplish the goals of the organization or unit. Such a leadership lasts over a long period of time Informal Leader An informal leader is chosen by the group. Thus, all managers are leaders if their authority is accepted, but not all leaders are managers. Informal leadership is leadership without position and may shift from one person to another. It may last for a brief time. Most people are leaders at one time or the other and they can have influence on others as defined by the concept of leadership. The ideal leader is the one who can combine the formals and informal leadership simultaneously within himself. SUCCESSFUL VERSUS EFFECTIVE LEADER As we have seen in the preceding discussions, leadership is the activity of influencing people to strive willingly for group objectives; it is the ability to persuade others to get something done. So the leader attempts to have some effect on the behaviour of another, which we call attempted leadership. The response to this attempt may or may not be successful. A basic responsibility of managers in any work organization is to get the work done with and through people. The success of managers is measured by the output or productivity of the group they lead. [8,10] LEADER BEHAVIOUR IN GROUPS The main aim apparently is to understand why individuals form groups. The solution lies in tracking the solution ideas: How old were you when you first joined a group? How many different groups do you belong to? How would you identify a group leader? Does your behaviour change when you are with different groups? Have you ever led a group? In what sense were you the leader? What were the results? If our own the questions should be answered, which leads to the understanding of group. Behaviour and the properties of groups are essential to being both a good manager and an effective member of groups. A manager spends half of his time in some formal or informal meetings, where a group of people get together to solve problems or make plans. So the manager himself acts as a member of a group with other managers or colleagues. Groups have a powerful effect on human behaviour. Any increase in output of those workers was because of the importance and attention given to the group of workers by their colleagues as well as their own interactions with each other about the quality and quantity of output they were supposed to produce. People are motivated to act in a certain way in a given situation and one should change the situation in order to make the people act the way one wants them to. There are also many examples where the manager decides to take a decision on his own or to rely on groups by holding meetings or making committees. In Management, small groups with which he interacts are very important for a manager. It may consist of his peers or colleagues, other managers, specialists or others who really help the manager to take an effective decision. There are instances of well knit and cohesive groups, which really make a superior performance under a good leader. For all these purposes gaining understanding of how to manage a group and how to become a more effective group member. In order to develop the above two objectives, point noted is that a group is part of a larger organization with which it interacts. [1,4] LEADERSHIP AND INFLUENCE PROCESS Authority is the right to command and extract obedience from others. It comes from organization and it allows the leader to use power. Power is the ability to exercise influence or control over others. In the functioning of a leader the ability to guide the action of others is achieved through his authority. Carrying out of these decisions is accomplished because of the power of the leader. The relationship between the authority and power of a leader as we go further to understand various types of power GROUP DYNAMICS Group Dynamics is concerned with the interactions and forces among group members in a social situation. In the path on management functions, it is important to understand dynamics of members of formal or informal groups in the organization. Group Dynamics is the interaction of forces among group members in a social situation. Authoritarian, Democratic and Laissez-faire, is having three different social situations for the three styles of leadership. In course of time various meanings were attached to the term ‘group dynamics’ One of the meanings suggest how a group should be organized and conducted. In democratic leadership, member participation and overall cooperation are emphasized. Another meaning of Group Dynamics is that it is set of techniques. In various group exercises it tries to make the leader as well as the member effective. An attempt made to make the above members play their roles in a management situation of group discussions, team building, finding out various solutions to problems by brainstorming and understanding ourselves in relation to others while we transact or interact with others. Such exercises are also provided in situations where only members are present and no leader exists to direct or control the group. All these exercises are techniques to develop both the individual as well as the organization in which he or she works. The meaning of the term Group Dynamic suggest internal nature of the groups as to how they are formed, what their structures and processes are and how they function. [7,8] COMPOSITION OF A GROUP In most organizations getting the work done requires group efforts. Thus, a manager must know how to manage individual by knowing the individual dynamics, such as his values. Personality, perceptions and attitudes. A manager must know how to manage a group by understanding Group Dynamics Each group has a common objective, but the members who belong to it may have other personal objectives. For example, a life insurance agent may like to become a member of a parent-teacher association of a school to help promote the development process of its students. But belonging to that association will also help him to increase his or her contact to ensure more and more people, so he gets more commission for as many members as he can sell the insurance to. What is most important in the content of the definition of a group is to be aware of each other in a group. This awareness is seldom there, when we look at an aggregation of people. They are mere collections, different from what we call a group, where members see themselves as belonging to a group in order to interact and achieve the common objectives of the group. Moreover, such kind of interaction may be over a long or a short period of time. [9,10] TYPES OF POWER Legitimate Power This power comes to the leader when the organisation’s authority is accepted. It comes from the rules of the organization. For example, parents, teachers, managers. police, etc. have legitimate power only when their authority is accepted in the positions they hold. Expert Power This is the power of knowledge and skill of special kind that are important in getting the job done. A person’s professional competence or knowledge gives him the expert power. His credibility increases. He can lead other persons to trust his judgments and decisions, as an expert like a physicist or a lawyer or a chemist or a computer programmer or a purchasing agent or a financial analyst. A leader himself may not be an expert in all fields, but he can certainly take the help of experts in particular fields. Charismatic Power This is the power of attraction or devotion, the desire of one person to admire another. A subordinate feels a positive attraction towards a leader by identifying himself with the leader, or gets influenced by the leader’s attractive power. This power helps the subordinate to understand and value the leader so much that he understands and acts according to the expectations of the boss or the leader. It helps him to act as his own boss, and behave in ways he thinks the boss will want. [15] Reward Power This power is the present or potential ability to reward for worthy behaviour. The superior or the leader has the power to give tangible rewards such as promotion, office space, time off from work, attractive work assignments and help to the subordinate. Also psychological rewards like praise, appreciation, approval and recognition can be given by the leader or the superior to the subordinate. The subordinate has to believe that he has access to higher authorities, therefore he can give rewards. This reward power of the leader can also increase the leader’s charismatic and legitimate power. Coercive Power This is the ability to threaten or punish. The leader can give tangible punishments like dismissal, demotion, low rating. less satisfying work assignments, etc. Psychological punishments include criticism, avoidance, disapproval, satirical remarks on the subordinate. The reward power helps to avoid something undesirable. Self-esteem of the subordinate increases because of reward power and decreases because of punishment or coercive power. Even a subordinate may withdraw or break the rules or become hostile. He may not feel attracted towards the charismatic power of the leader and at times may ignore the leader’s legitimate power. Having seen the reasons for differences between the authority and power of the leader, you should know the type of leaders as understood on the basis of their authority and power. [11,12] COLLECTIVE ACTION Interpersonal competence refers to the degree to which we are accurately aware of our impact on others and of the impact of others on us. It is the ability to engage in an mutually helpful relationships. It enables us to achieve your personal goals as well as task goals in the organizations where you we are a member. What are the effects of our interpersonal competence on our managerial behaviour? Interpersonally incompetent managers create an organizational environment in which members act very defensively to protect their own interests. Since everybody acts defensively in the organization. where roles and relationships are basically interdependent, neither the personal goals of the members, nor the task goals can be fully realized. Problems are not confronted and are kept hidden from each other for fear that exploring the problems will only aggravate the situation. In course of time, issues which were avoided and swept under the rug assume gigantic proportions and overwhelm the members. On the other hand, interpersonally competent managers allow their subordinates to challenge their views and to question the organisation’s norms, policies, rules and objectives. When these kinds of behaviour are tolerated, people are likely to discover problems and commit themselves to their solutions. Organizational effectiveness increases. Besides these three types of roles, that may have to interact with a lot of other people from different positions: consumers, suppliers, people from regulatory agencies, general public. etc. Interactions with different interest-groups demand different types of specific skills and competencies. Possession and understanding of these skills may not guarantee successful human relations, but it can increase your interpersonal sensitivity and help you take appropriate action to improve relationships. [13,14]             References Rao, T.V., â€Å"HRD in the New Economic Environment,† Tata McGraw-Hill Book Company, New Delhi,1994 Drucker, P.F. (1974). â€Å"Management Task Responsibilities and Practices†, Harper & Row, New York. Murtin, CC., 2004., Project Management — How to Make It Work, AmaCom, N.Y. Neale RH, 1984., Managing Projects , Geneva Nicholas, J.M., 1990., Managing Business and Engineering Projects Concepts & Implementation, Prentice Hall. N.J. Kharbanda. & Staliworking, EA, 1996.,Successful Projects With a Moral For Managemetn, Gower, England. Hitt, Michael A, (2001), Strategic Management: Competitiveness and globalization, 4th, Thomson Learning. Srivastava, R.M. (1999). Strategic Planning: Formulation Of Corporate Strategy (Texts and Cases) 1st ed., Macmillan Limited. Hamel,G, Collaborate with your Competitors and Win, Harvard Business review,67,1,1989,133-9. Laxmi Narian, Managerial Competition and Motivation in Public Enterprises, Oxford and IBH Publishing Co., New Delhi,1997 Ulrich, D. â€Å"Human Resource Champions†, Harvard Business School Press,2001 Kaplan, R., â€Å"Balance Score Card†, Harvard Business review,2003 Pareek, V., Designing and Managing Human Resource Systems, Oxford & IBH Publishing Co., New Delhi. Pereira D.F., Recent Experiences in Human Resource Development, Oxford& IBH Publishing Co., New Delhi Goldstein, I.L, Training in Organizations: Needs Assessment Development and Evaluation, Wordsworth,2002   

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Should Backpacks be Allowed in School Essays

Should Backpacks be Allowed in School Essays Should Backpacks be Allowed in School Paper Should Backpacks be Allowed in School Paper Also, backpacks are an excellent place for students to hide objects that are prohibited. Firstly, backpacks are very bulky and awkward. In a classroom, there is no designated space for backpacks to be kept so students might put It on the back of their chair, put It on their desk, or even leave them on the floor. This then causes many accidents because people are not always looking at the ground as they walk so many students and teachers could trip. If the school allows backpacks In class and tells you that they must not be kept on the ground, this presents another problem for students because the only available place left would be on their desk, thus impairing on their workspace and learning. There Is also the issue of backpacks in hallways. As everyone knows, the time to travel between classes is not very long and the hallways can get very congested, especially the staircases. Now imagine everyone carrying a backpack; the result would be a much uncoordinated mass of people. Hallways would not only be even more congested, students will now have to be extra careful in order not to trip and get swallowed into the never-ending swarm of students. Just the reason about backpacks being big and inconvenient alone should be enough to convince everyone that backpacks in class re a huge mistake. Subsequently, allowing backpacks means that students will have to bring it to every class which could lead to major health concerns for students. As a result of allowing backpacks, students will now most likely go directly to class which means they will have to carry the necessary materials and textbooks for half the day. This is extremely bad for the back because studies have shown that if the weight of a backpack is more than 20% of the carriers body weight, people are more prone to muscle and Joint injury and severe back, neck and shoulder pain. Although earning a backpack correctly will heavily reduce the chance of injury, many teens are not aware of the correct way to carry backpacks. Shoulder straps should help balance the weight; the backpack should fit snugly against the body and legs should be used to lift the backpack, not the back. Furthermore, research has shown that adults with severe back problems say that they often had back pain as a child. This reason should make you realize that not allowing students to bring their backpacks to class Is more advantageous than permitting them to lug their bags to each class. The resent of illegal items like weapons and drugs has always been a concern for school authorities but students tend to keep those things In their lockers. However, If backpacks were allowed In class, students would now have the opportunity to conceal a gun or a knife In their backpack and bring It Into class. Students can also hide Items to help them cheat on a test or exam Like cheat sheets or electronic devices. Another Issue Is theft because If something Is stolen during class, the thief doesnt have many options as to where he/she could hide it but having a backpack will certainly change Nat I en last AT things Tanat can De anneal In a Ticktack goes on. Backpacks In class will allow restricted items including electronics devices, weapons and drugs to be smuggled easily into class. In summary, backpacks in class provide more trouble than advantages. They are unnecessarily large and space consuming which leads to jam-packed classrooms and hallways, they cause health concerns that can be quite serious, and they can be used to harbor items that are restricted from school. Some things are meant to be left in the locker, and backpacks are definitely one of them.

Monday, October 21, 2019

Example Sentences of the Verb Pay

Example Sentences of the Verb Pay This page provides example sentences of the verb pay in all tenses including active and passive forms, as well as conditional and modal forms. Base Form pay / Past Simple paid / Past Participle paid / Gerund paying Present Simple Jack usually pays by credit card. Present Simple Passive The bill is paid at the end of every month. Present Continuous Tom is paying the bill now. Present Continuous Passive The bill is being paid now. Present Perfect Have you paid the telephone bill yet? Present Perfect Passive Has the telephone bill been paid yet? Present Perfect Continuous Jill has been paying their bills for years. Past Simple Tom paid for the vacation last month. Past Simple Passive The vacation was paid for by Tom last month. Past Continuous She was paying the waiter when the man walked into the restaurant. Past Continuous Passive The bill was being paid when the man walked into the restaurant. Past Perfect Peter had already paid the bill when I offered to get it. Past Perfect Passive The bill had already been paid when I offered to get it. Past Perfect Continuous She had been paying off all the accounts when her debt was forgiven. Future (will) Alice will pay him soon. Future (will) Passive He will be paid soon by Alice. Future (going to) Alice is going to pay him at the end of the week. Future (going to) Passive He is going to be paid at the end of the week. Future Continuous This time next week we will be paying off all the employees. Future Perfect He will have been paid over $100,000 by the end of the year. Future Possibility She might pay for dinner. Real Conditional If she pays for dinner, we wont eat very much. Unreal Conditional If she paid for dinner, we wouldnt eat very much. Past Unreal Conditional If she had paid for dinner, we wouldnt have eaten so much. Present Modal She must pay all her bills this week. Past Modal She cant have paid all her bills last month! Quiz: Conjugate With Pay Use the verb to pay to conjugate the following sentences. Quiz answers are below. In some cases, more than one answer may be correct. The bill _____ at the end of every month.Tom _____ for the vacation last month.The bill _____ when the man walked into the restaurant.Alice _____ him soon. I promise.He _____ over $100,000 by the end of the year._____ the telephone bill _____ yet?Peter _____ already _____ the bill when I offered to get it.If she _____ for dinner, we wouldnt eat very much._____ you p_____ the telephone bill yet?He _____ at the end of the week as scheduled.   Quiz Answers is paidpaidwas being paidwill paywill have been paidHas  been paidhad already paid  paidHavepaidis going to be paid

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Frank Lloyd Wright1 essays

Frank Lloyd Wright1 essays NOTE: Received an "A" with some corrections. If your professor is one who checks bibliography's be careful with mine. American architect, Frank Lloyd Wright is considered the pioneer in modern style and one of the greatest figures in twentieth-century architecture (Twombly, 16). According to Frank Lloyd Wright: ...having a good start, not only do I fully intend to be the greatest architect who has yet lived, but fully intend to be the greatest architect who will ever live. Yes, I intend to be the greatest architect of all time. It appears that from the beginning, Frank Lloyd Wright was destined by fate, or determination, or by his mothers support, to be one of the most innovative and celebrated architects of the twentieth century. Throughout his life, he designed nearly 900 structures, some 400 of which were actually built. He was principally known for his highly original methods of uniting buildings with their surroundings (Hirsh, 189). Wright was also renowned for initiating new architectural and engineering techniques but was often criticized by the more conventional architects who opposed his new methods (Twombly, 17 - 18). Frank Lincoln Wright (he would later change his middle name to Lloyd) was born on June 8 1867 in Richland Center, Wisconsin, to Anna Lloyd-Jones Wright and William Russell Cary Wright. Anna Lloyd-Jones was a teacher from a large close-knit Welsh family of farmers and ministers. His mother and her family would have a tremendous influence on Frank throughout his life. Franks father, William, was a devout Unitarian preacher and musician. The Wright family spent many evenings listening to William read such works as Emerson, Thoreau, and Blake . In 1869 through 1878, the Wright family traveled the country, relocating to Iowa, Rhode Island, and Massachusetts, where William held pastorate positions (Taliesin Preservation). His father moved from...

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Bonds and Trustees Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Bonds and Trustees - Essay Example This paper illustrates that the legal structure of a trust agreement to provide that the rights of the bondholders are vested in the trustee through the trust agreement which confers upon the trustee rights to â€Å"represent the holder in dealing with the issuer and to enforce action on their collective behalf†. By virtue of the trust agreement, subject to the provisions of the deed, the trustee shall represent the bondholder and the bondholder shall not be allowed to represent him/herself unless there is a breach of the agreement, which will render it unenforceable. Thus, the provision in the conditions of trust, which states, â€Å"no bondholder may take enforcement action against the issuer following a default unless the trustee, having become obliged to act thereon, has failed to do so† is valid. As held in case of Highberry Ltd v Colt Telecom Group Plc (No.2) a no-action clause is valid. Under Chapter 29 Part 1 of the Trustee Act 2000, the trustee has the duty to â€Å"exercise such care and skill as is reasonable in the circumstances, having regard in particular- (a) to any special knowledge or experience that he has or holds himself out as having, and (b) if he acts as trustee in the course of a business or profession, to any special knowledge or experience that it is reasonable to expect of a person acting in the course of that kind of business or profession.† The degree of care in transacting business for and on behalf of the bondholders binds the trustee to deliver what is in the best interest of the bondholder. The same rules apply as in the case of negligence. Therefore, where the trustee is faced with a situation where it becomes obliged to act, the failure thereof to act accordingly would constitute a statutory breach as well as of the agreement.

Friday, October 18, 2019

Frederick Douglass Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Frederick Douglass - Essay Example Colonel Lloyd himself, the boss of Anthony and the wealthiest slaveholder in Maryland whose plantation was known as the Great House Farm had cruel overseers himself who would brutally beat slaves. But the cruelest of the slaveholders in Douglas narrative all was Edward Covey, the famous â€Å"slave breaker† who had the perversion of taking pride in taming the slaves. According to the narrative of Frederick Douglas, â€Å"Mr. Covey had acquired a very high reputation for breaking young slaves, and this reputation was of immense value to him. It enabled him to get his farm tilled with much less expense to himself than he could have had it done without such a reputation† [53]. Thus, this reputation was deliberately concocted by Mr. Covey in order to profit from the slave by making them till his land at a lesser cost under the pain of fear. Douglass also portrayed his masters as hypocrites particularly Edward Covey who had the pretension of righteousness by donning the mantle of Christian religiosity. In Douglass narrative, Mr. Covey was singled out as the exemplar of slave owner’s hypocrisy of pretending to be a good and charitable man but in fact oppresses another human being through slavery and worst, brutally maltreats the slaves with the pride of breaking them. In Douglass words, â€Å"Mr. Covey, he was a professor of religion—a pious soul—a member and a class-leader in the Methodist church. All of this added weight to his reputation as a â€Å"nigger-breaker† [53]. ... It may sound strange but in Douglass eyes, Mr. Covey’s religiosity did not impress him but rather compounded his anxiety as it added to Mr. Covey’s reputation as â€Å"nigger breaker†. Douglass also portrayed slaveholders to be greedy and unjust. This portrayal was present in his narrative in the characters of his favorite tormentor Mr. Covey, the wealthy landowner Colonel Lloyd and his benign master Thomas. Mr. Covey deliberately instilled fear among slaves with his reputation as â€Å"nigger breaker† to short change them in tilling his lands. Colonel Lloyd on the other hand would provide meager allowances to his slaves while overworking them. Thomas is more subtle in his ways of letting Douglass find employment by calking but still, he was unjust to Douglass. He let Douglass work but his earnings in calking goes to Thomas. Douglass bitterly resented this set up with his narrative that â€Å"He received all the benefits of slaveholding without its evils; while I endured all the evils of a slave, and suffered all the care and anxiety of a freeman. I found it a hard bargain. But, hard as it was, I thought it better than the old mode of getting along [84]. But just when he thought that Thomas was different of all the slaveholders in a sense that he do not beat them, he was proven wrong when he came home late from work because the remittance of his earnings was also given late to Thomas. Douglas recalled â€Å"I found him very angry; he could scarce restrain his wrath. He said he had a great mind to give me a severe whipping [84]. Almost unanimously, almost all slaveholders in Douglas narrative were either cruel or unjust except of a little exception in the person of Mrs. Auld who did not maltreat him. In fact, in her kindness, she offered to

The Great Depression Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

The Great Depression - Essay Example The great depression started in the industrialized North America when the stock market exchange on Oct.29, 1929, commonly known to be â€Å"The Black Tuesday† (Nick Taylor-American Made). As at this time, the output fell by 23% losing more than ten billion US dollars. The market decline was due to disparity between the consumption and production sectors. The production power was due, but the consumption rate was wanting. The producers had to credit their products resulting to lack of finance to these companies hence a subsequent drop in the wages and loss of jobs for the employees (Stock, 1997:177). Many banks realized great loses some of which even saw their closure because most of them had heavily invested in market shares. The problem was major in America but it spread to other countries leading to an economic slump due to forged intimate relation that came in between the United States and the European countries to terminate the First World War. Since United States had emer ged as the super power of the First World War, its economic back thrash had effects across the globe. The depression persisted up to 1932 when the then president of USA Herbert Hoover realized that he had a hand to lend to terminate the depression. In his speech president, Hoover underrated the crisis and said that it would ultimately end. He did not realize that he had to supply food to the hunger stricken population in North America. People raised blame over him for the big economic crisis (Young and Young, 2007:55). Hoover was turned down and an election was called where Franklin Delano Roosevelt won by a large margin. After taking over as the president of United States Rosevelt declared a four-day bank holiday meant relief to relief the banks and make them solvent. During the first one hundred days of his reign Roosevelt set good basis too revive the country from depths of desperation. The great depression had adverse effects to the economy as well as the people of United States . The production level dropped greatly as well as the gross domestic product after the recession started. The lack of market for manufactured goods was the main reason for the decline of the production in the United States (Oakes and Kia, 2004:137). The consumers had lost their purchasing power, which was probably due to the effect of the First World War. Most industries had to give their products on credit leaving them with financial crisis. This led to their immediate closure. The collapse of food prices and lack international market for export made farmers lose morale and quit farming. Credit system in bank declined hence most of the depositors had no option but to withdraw their money from the banks. The experience for the Americans worsened in the 1930s when the agriculture sector leveraged due to the decline in the world market for food prices. The depression also led to lack of jobs in the states. Many people had to move from placer to another hoping against hopes to secure j ob in the towns. The teenagers comprised the large proportion for the job seeking population. This desperate large population had constructed their houses in shantytown in the outskirts of towns, which they made from any available material. The desperate farmers migrated to California in hope to find fertile grounds. Their condition was seriously transient. When he came to power, Franklin Roosevelt instilled hope to the States residents .He started the so-called

Hewlett Packard and Compaq Computers Research Paper

Hewlett Packard and Compaq Computers - Research Paper Example According to Palo & Houston (2001), the merger of Hewlett-Packard Company (NYSE: HWP) and Compaq Computer Corporation (NYSE: CPQ) was meant to create an $87 billion global technology leader. The main aim of the new HP was designed to â€Å"offer the industry's most complete set of IT products and services for both businesses and consumers with a commitment to serving customers with open systems and architectures,† (Palo & Houston, 2001). The combined company was expected to create value through significant cost structure improvements and access to new growth opportunities. According to Fiorina, the strategic benefits of combining highly complementary organizations and families were set to immensely benefit the customers. The synergies of these companies were expected to create a value of $25 billion and this merger was supposed to be a force to reckon with in the IT sector, storage and management software. This merger was a failure because the new culture was not compatible wi th the HP way of doing business. According to Malone (2002), the major resistance came from the management of HP since they felt short changed by this newly merged company given that the culture was â€Å"so alien to the HP legendary way.† From the onset, it can be seen that there is no mutual understanding between the parties from the two companies and this is the reason why there is a revolt especially from HP management. Thousands of employees believe that the HP way, the company’s influential and unique culture is the most valuable asset that has led to the success of the organization hence the reason for fears that a merger would destroy this culture. However, Fiorina differs with the views other people who support the HP way. The new CEO did not follow the dictates of the HP way and this is where she failed the whole deal. It can be seen that the notion of organizational culture is very important since it determines the success or failure of the company. The cult ure of the company mainly spells the way people in a particular company are supposed to behave. People in a particular organization create values and norms from the culture that obtains in that particular company and these values shape their behaviour. Any attempt to deviate from these values is likely to be met with stiff resistance from the employees like the case in this merger of HP and Compaq computer companies. Change in an organization is something that is often resisted by many employees since they do not want to change their usual way of doing things in the company. Change entails that workers will be forced to acquire new knowledge in order to be in a position to operate effectively under the new culture. Any change initiative that does not have the support of the stakeholders such as the employees is likely to fail since it would be designed to fulfil the needs of a few people. The other reason why the merger of the great two companies failed is that the CEO failed to eff ectively communicate her plans to the stakeholders. She chose to be secretive and this impacted negatively on the outcome of the merger. The other reason why the merger failed is that the CEO of the new company used an autocratic style of management. She undermined the intelligence as well as valuable ideas of the employees while she expected them to support her ideas

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Counter Argument Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Counter Argument - Essay Example possible response is not to present favorable arguments, but a negative case—namely, to present arguments against the case that has been brought forth. The following is a reply to several objections to a previously stated position: that it is the moral responsibility of a government to effectively ban same-sex marriage. This responsibility was defended by a conception of the natural law, which is fundamentally incompatible with the practice of homosexual marriage rites. It shall be shown that these objections are baseless and cannot be shown to have any philosophical merit, especially since their philosophical histories are contradictory—meaning that these criticisms are mutually exclusive and are mutually incorrect. The first point taken to support the thesis that the government has no moral responsibility to ban same-sex marriage is that there is a history of normality when it comes to the practice of gay marriage. The objector cites the time of Plato as proof that homosexuality has been, for ages, been a widespread practice, and in a variety of different cultural contexts. However, even a cursory knowledge of Plato’s thoughts on love, contained in the dialogue Symposium, would reveal that Plato, like Aristotle, thought that homosexuality was an affront to nature, and hence, natural law. In the eighth book of the Symposium, a speaker considers â€Å"how to have legislation banning homosexual acts, masturbation, and illegitimate procreative sex widely accepted. He then states that this law is according to nature† (Pickett). Plato and Aristotle, arguably the two wisest men in the history of Ancient Greece, both expressed a sharp distaste for the unnatural practice of homosexualityà ¢â‚¬â€the former of whom expressed his belief in a ban on the practice in the Ideal State. In addition to the incidental philosophical objection to the practice, there is also a logical objection to be made to this argument as well. The writer here seems to suggest that because

Critical analyses of Teenage Pregnancy in UK and it's impact on Essay

Critical analyses of Teenage Pregnancy in UK and it's impact on children , families and society - Essay Example There are a number of reasons for this disparity one of which is delay by the government to address the issue. Teenage mothers as a whole face a number of challenges including drop out of school, lack of income, loss of friends and the relationship with family members deteriorate (Berrington, Diamond, Ingham et al, 2005). Infants born of teenage mothers on the other hand have a higher mortality rate, born with many complications and denied parental love and care (Harden, Bruton, Fletcher and Okley, 2009). There have been various efforts by the government to try and combat this problem. One of the commonest is educating the young about sex. In sex education teenagers are taught the mechanisms of sex and how to prevent pregnancy (Carabine, 2007). However, sex education has been heavily criticized for failing to address issues that matter such as contraceptives. Just like in other countries where teenage pregnancy is low, transparency and early intervention is favoured (Fletcher, 2010). Though the government has done a lot to address the issue, the roots causes are yet to be tackled (Horgan and Kenny, 2007). Teenage pregnancy has been equated to deprivation. Once the government effectively tackles poverty in society, much would have been accomplished in the campaign against teenage pregnancy. The objective of this essay is to give a critical analysis of teenage pregnancy in the UK. It will address the effects on the mother, family and society as a whole. Comparisons will be drawn with other countries which might be experiencing a greater or lesser challenge. Finally, the effectiveness of UK government policies will be evaluated. According to Maslow, growth and survival are the basic explanation to human behaviour. The most important needs for survival are the basic requirements such as food and water which must be satisfied before satisfaction of higher needs. The higher needs though with ability to ensure psychological well-being of individuals have less

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Hewlett Packard and Compaq Computers Research Paper

Hewlett Packard and Compaq Computers - Research Paper Example According to Palo & Houston (2001), the merger of Hewlett-Packard Company (NYSE: HWP) and Compaq Computer Corporation (NYSE: CPQ) was meant to create an $87 billion global technology leader. The main aim of the new HP was designed to â€Å"offer the industry's most complete set of IT products and services for both businesses and consumers with a commitment to serving customers with open systems and architectures,† (Palo & Houston, 2001). The combined company was expected to create value through significant cost structure improvements and access to new growth opportunities. According to Fiorina, the strategic benefits of combining highly complementary organizations and families were set to immensely benefit the customers. The synergies of these companies were expected to create a value of $25 billion and this merger was supposed to be a force to reckon with in the IT sector, storage and management software. This merger was a failure because the new culture was not compatible wi th the HP way of doing business. According to Malone (2002), the major resistance came from the management of HP since they felt short changed by this newly merged company given that the culture was â€Å"so alien to the HP legendary way.† From the onset, it can be seen that there is no mutual understanding between the parties from the two companies and this is the reason why there is a revolt especially from HP management. Thousands of employees believe that the HP way, the company’s influential and unique culture is the most valuable asset that has led to the success of the organization hence the reason for fears that a merger would destroy this culture. However, Fiorina differs with the views other people who support the HP way. The new CEO did not follow the dictates of the HP way and this is where she failed the whole deal. It can be seen that the notion of organizational culture is very important since it determines the success or failure of the company. The cult ure of the company mainly spells the way people in a particular company are supposed to behave. People in a particular organization create values and norms from the culture that obtains in that particular company and these values shape their behaviour. Any attempt to deviate from these values is likely to be met with stiff resistance from the employees like the case in this merger of HP and Compaq computer companies. Change in an organization is something that is often resisted by many employees since they do not want to change their usual way of doing things in the company. Change entails that workers will be forced to acquire new knowledge in order to be in a position to operate effectively under the new culture. Any change initiative that does not have the support of the stakeholders such as the employees is likely to fail since it would be designed to fulfil the needs of a few people. The other reason why the merger of the great two companies failed is that the CEO failed to eff ectively communicate her plans to the stakeholders. She chose to be secretive and this impacted negatively on the outcome of the merger. The other reason why the merger failed is that the CEO of the new company used an autocratic style of management. She undermined the intelligence as well as valuable ideas of the employees while she expected them to support her ideas

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Critical analyses of Teenage Pregnancy in UK and it's impact on Essay

Critical analyses of Teenage Pregnancy in UK and it's impact on children , families and society - Essay Example There are a number of reasons for this disparity one of which is delay by the government to address the issue. Teenage mothers as a whole face a number of challenges including drop out of school, lack of income, loss of friends and the relationship with family members deteriorate (Berrington, Diamond, Ingham et al, 2005). Infants born of teenage mothers on the other hand have a higher mortality rate, born with many complications and denied parental love and care (Harden, Bruton, Fletcher and Okley, 2009). There have been various efforts by the government to try and combat this problem. One of the commonest is educating the young about sex. In sex education teenagers are taught the mechanisms of sex and how to prevent pregnancy (Carabine, 2007). However, sex education has been heavily criticized for failing to address issues that matter such as contraceptives. Just like in other countries where teenage pregnancy is low, transparency and early intervention is favoured (Fletcher, 2010). Though the government has done a lot to address the issue, the roots causes are yet to be tackled (Horgan and Kenny, 2007). Teenage pregnancy has been equated to deprivation. Once the government effectively tackles poverty in society, much would have been accomplished in the campaign against teenage pregnancy. The objective of this essay is to give a critical analysis of teenage pregnancy in the UK. It will address the effects on the mother, family and society as a whole. Comparisons will be drawn with other countries which might be experiencing a greater or lesser challenge. Finally, the effectiveness of UK government policies will be evaluated. According to Maslow, growth and survival are the basic explanation to human behaviour. The most important needs for survival are the basic requirements such as food and water which must be satisfied before satisfaction of higher needs. The higher needs though with ability to ensure psychological well-being of individuals have less

Preschool Music Education Essay Example for Free

Preschool Music Education Essay Introduction Teaching music to preschoolers contributes to brain development.   â€Å"The musician is constantly adjusting decisions on tempo, tone, style, rhythm, phrasing, and feeling—training the brain to become incredibly good at organizing and conducting numerous activities at once. Dedicated practice of this orchestration can have a great payoff for lifelong attention skills, intelligence, and an ability for self-knowledge and expression† (Ratey, 2001).   A group of researchers at the University of California (Irvine) conducted a study that showed that after eight months of keyboard lessons, preschoolers showed a 46% boost in their spatial reasoning (Rauscher, Shaw, Levine, Ky and Wright, 2001). Music Education Module   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The curriculum for teaching preschool music education should contain three parts: 1) Singing; 2) Active listening; and 3) Movement.   All three of these subsections should work together and build off of the skills learned during the other subsections.   The music education curriculum must be fun and engaging for the preschool children, otherwise the children will not give the music activities their full attention and will not retain the cognitive abilities that can be taught through music education.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The preschool music education curriculum needs to be focused around teaching the children songs, preferably nursery rhymes and other educational songs, which will teach the children a skill.   Incorporating movement and hand motions into each song that is taught will enhance the skills learned.   Learning to sing songs will improve the development of language acquisition, listening skills, and fine motor skills.    Songs that tell a story with hand motions such as â€Å"I’m Bringing Home a Baby Bumblebee† will improve language skills as well as fine motor skills and self expression.   Songs that specifically address a certain skill such as counting songs (1,2 Buckle My Shoe) and spelling songs (B-I-N-G-O) should be incorporated into the music curriculum as well.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The preschool music education curriculum must also include active listening to music.   Listening to music, particularly classical music, will improve listening skills, auditory discrimination, abstract reasoning, and spatial intelligence.   After the children have listened to a musical piece, the experience needs to be reinforced by a series of questions and answers.   Asking the children what kind of instruments they heard and what emotions they felt during the song will improve the abstract reasoning skills and teach the children how to evaluate and comprehend what they have heard.   Clapping through a rhythm that was in the song they just heard will teach the children about tempo and improve counting and mathematical skills. Conclusion The preschool music education curriculum needs to include all three of the subsections discussed.   If the curriculum neglects one of the subsections, important skills will be neglected.   Singing and dancing teaches preschool children language skills, fine motor skills, and self expression.   Actively listening to music, particularly classical music, improves listening skills, abstract reasoning skills, and spatial intelligence. When developing a preschool music education curriculum, the most important thing is to ensure that the curriculum is fun and engaging for the preschool children.   If the curriculum is rigid and boring, the children will lose interest and the teacher will not have their full attention.   In order for the preschool children to acquire the skills taught during music education, the children must be engaged in the curriculum.     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚      References Musically Yours, Inc.   (2007, November) Music Preludes.   Retrieved January 23, 2008 from Ratey John J., MD. A User’s Guide to the Brain. New York: Pantheon Books, 2001. Rauscher, Shaw, Levine, Ky and Wright, â€Å"Music and Spatial Task Performance: A Causal Relationship,† University of California, Irvine, 1994

Monday, October 14, 2019

Macro Environmental Analysis Of Italy

Macro Environmental Analysis Of Italy Political aspects The Italian politics and government are a fusion of democracy and republic, with peoples representatives in the parliament ruling the country. Italys Chief of state is President Giorgio Napolitano. Premier Minister Silvio Berlusconi is the head of the state in Italy. He administrates a multi-party system for successful running of the political activities. Italy was a founding member of the European Union (EU). Today Italy is a member of many significant international organsations like MIF, UN, G8, NATO, OECD, GATT/WTO or the OSCE. Italy has been a member of WTO since 1995 and it is also important to say that all EU member states are WTO members. So Italys trade policy is almost the same as that of other members of the European Union. This fact makes clear that WTO trading partners have less problems in trading because of the removal of all barriers to international trade in goods and services. Demographical aspects Italy has developed into an industrial country, which is divided in two parts. The first part is the industrial developed north, which is dominated by private companies. The second part is the agricultural south. The unemployment in the south is pretty high and it is clearly to see that this part of Italy is less developed. The Gross Domestic Product (GDP) is one of the most important economical indicators. For Italy the GDP is $1.823 trillion in 2008. But one has to keep in mind that this number does not refer to the population. If one wants to take in this aspects one should look at the GDP (PPP). For Italy this is $31,300 this means how much the average person living in Italy hast to spend. As an investor this number might become very handy because one can see how much money a country has to consume in luxury goods. Instead of being able to afford ones basic needs. The real GDP growth rate in Italy achieved an amount of -1% in 2008. The main industries in Italy are tourism, machin ery, iron and steel, chemicals, food processing, textiles, motor vehicles, clothing, footwear, ceramics. The main resources of Italy are mined products like coal, zinc, natural gas and a crude oil reserves. Macro environmental analysis of India Political aspects India is a democracy. The people of India elect their governments at all levels (Union, State and local) by a system of universal adult franchise; popularly known as ‘One man one vote . The central government exercises its broad administrative powers in the name of the President, whose duties are largely ceremonial. The constitution designates the governance of India under two branches namely the executive branch and Real national executive power is centered in the Council of Ministers, led by the Prime Minister of India. India suffered political instability for a few years due to the failure of any party to win an absolute majority in Parliament. However, political stability did not change Indias economic course though it delayed certain decisions relating to the economy. Membership of international organizations: ADB, AfDB (nonregional member), ARF, ASEAN (dialogue partner), BIMSTEC, BIS, C, CERN (observer), CP, EAS, FAO, G-15, G-20, G-24, G-77, IFAD, IMF, IMO, Interpol, IOC, LAS (observer), NAM, OAS (observer), PIF (partner), SCO (observer), UN, UNESCO, UNWTO, WFTU, WHO, WMO, WTO International Relations: International relations ships between India and a lot of the countries in our world have been relatively good. Trade Policy: India is a member of the World Trade Organization and its predecessor the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT). While participating in its council meetings, India has been crucial in voicing the concerns of the developing world. For instance, India has continued its opposition to the inclusion of such matters as labour and environment issues and other non-tariff barriers into the WTO policies. Despite reducing import restrictions several times in the 2000,India was evaluated by the World Trade Organization in 2008 as more restrictive than similar developing economies, such as Brazil, China, and Russia. The WTO also identified electricity shortages and inadequate transportation infrastructure as significant constraints on trade. Its restrictiveness has been cited as a factor which has isolated it from the global financial crisis of 2008-2009 more than other countries, even though it has reduced ongoing economic growth. Demographical aspects India has a total population of 1,17 billion people in 2009 and growth rate of 1.5 % in 2009 with an average age of 25 years. India has a lot of young people and with a Birth rate of 21.76 births/1,000 it has the highest birth rate of the three countries. Little over a quarter of the population in India lives in citys with 29% this is relatively low. However the degree of urbanization in india is 2,4% wich is also the highest urbanization rate of our three countries. The labour force in india is the second largest in the world with 523.5 million people in 2008 it is also the biggest of our three countries. There is a lot of difference in education levels in india. There is a strong line between really high education and people that are not or poorly educated. Comparison between Italy and India Political aspects India is a democracy, Italy is a fusion of democracy and republic. This means that both countries are free and people who live there make the decisions. The people of India elect their government by a vote, which have the function of a President. Italys leader is President Giorgio Napolitano and Premier Minister Silvio Berlusconi. India is one of the major producing countries of coal. It also has significant deposits of iron, manganese, mica, bauxite, titanium, bromine, natural gas, diamonds, petroleum and limestone. The natural resources for Italy are mainly mined products like coal, zinc, natural gas and a crude oil reserves. India is not a member of the EU like Italy, which was a founding member of the EU, nevertheless international relationships between India and a lot of other countries have been relatively good. Demographical aspects India has a population of habitants. In comparison Italys population is 58.000.000. Apart from the major difference in population, the demographical aspects for India and Italy are unequal. India has a population growth rate of 1.548% whereas Italy has a growth rate of -0.047%. The population in India is quite young in comparison with the population of Italy. In year 2005 Indias urbanization had an annual rate of 2.4%, Italy only 0.4%. These facts show us that there are a lot of differences between the two countries. Economical aspects As an economical indicator, often it is reffered to the Gross Domestic Product (GDP). For India the GPD is $3.297 trillion with an annual growth of 6.7%. In Italy this amount is $1.823 trillion with a clear smaller growth rate of -5.1% per year. Both countries have in common that most of the GDP is made in the service sector. In Italy the service sector makes up 71% of the total GDP while in India it is 53.4%. Italys major exports are precision machinery, motor vehicles (utilitaries, luxury vehicles, motorcycles, scooters), chemicals and electric goods, but the countrys more famous exports are in the fields of food and clothing. Indias major export commodities included engineering goods, petroleum products, chemicals and pharmaceuticals, gems and jewellery, textiles and garments, agricultural products, iron ore and other minerals. Italy and India in comparison to The Netherlands Political aspects In the Netherlands the form of government is not similar to the ones from India or Italy. It is a parliamentary representative democratic constitutional monarchy state. The administration constitutionally consists of the Queen and the Cabinet Ministers. By the early eighties the Dutch welfare state had become the most extensive social security system In the world but the welfare state came into crisis when spending rose due to dramatic high unemployment rates and poor economic growth. The centre-right and centre-left coalitions wanted the Dutch welfare state to create new jobs and to bring the budget deficit under control. So that they reduced social benefits, lowered the taxes and deregulated the businesses. With these solutions the economy was recovered and the budget deficit and unemployment were reduced considerably. The Netherlands has a total of 11 Parties and the major political parties are CDA (Christian Democratic Appeal), PvdA (Labour Party), SP (Socialist Party), and VVD (Peoples Party for Freedom and Democracy). The Dutch Parliament consists of a Second Chamber and a First Chamber. Both chambers of parliament discuss proposed legislation and review of the actions of the cabinet. The CDA has the most seats in the Chambers. Membership of international organizations: The Netherlands is an active and responsible participant in the United Nations system as well as other multilateral organizations such as the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe, Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), World Trade Organization (WTO), and International Monetary Fund. Trade Policy: In 2007 the exports of the Netherlands were $457.2 billion. The main export commodities are machinery and equipment, fuels, chemicals and foodstuffs. The Netherlands is a strong proponent of free trade and is a member of international forums like WTO and OECD. The share of foreign trade in its GDP is more than 125%. The Netherlands top three export partners are Germany, Belgium and France. Demographical aspects With 16.5 Million inhabitants The Netherlands have a high population density of almost 400 people per square kilometres. The birth rate exceeds the death rate with 10.9/1000 people against 8.68 death/1000 population and a very high net immigration rate with 2.72 migrants/1000 people also contributes to this. Therefore the Dutch population increased by 50% since the 1960s. Lately the population boom is slowly declining. The population is mostly divided in middle-sized cities. Economical aspects between the different countries Economical aspects of the Netherlands The Netherlands has a prosperous and open economy, which depends heavily on foreign trade. Its economy is also noted for stable industrial relations, fairly low unemployment and inflation and a sizable current account surplus. From 2004 till 2006 the GDP went from about $610 billion up to $670 billion. The GDP per capita in the Netherlands is the highest of the tree mention countries. The country has been one of the leading European nations for attracting foreign direct investment and is one of the four largest investors in the US. The pace of job growth reached 10-year highs in 2007, but economic growth fell sharply in 2008 as fallout from the world financial crisis constricted demand and raised the specter of a recession in 2009. Main industries: Natural gas; Dutch industry is diversified and includes a variety of businesses that range from manufacturing, mining, and energy production to construction and chemical manufacturing. Economical aspects of Italy Italy has developed into an industrial country ranked by both the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund as the worlds seventh largest economy in USD exchange-rate terms and tenth largest in terms of purchasing power parity (PPP) by World Bank, IMF and the CIA World Factbook. More recently, Italy has faced sluggish economic growth and reduced international competitiveness. Italys economic strength is in the processing and the manufacturing of goods, primarily in small and medium-sized family-owned firms. The country has been less successful in terms of developing world class multinational corporations. Economical aspects of India India has had a market based system from 1991 till now. Before that the government blocked a lot of the import/ export products to protect the people. India achieved 9.6% GDP growth in 2006, 9.0% in 2007, and 6.6% in 2008 this probably due to the global economic crisis putting the country on position 28 in the world. The GDP (purchasing power parity) did however grow from $2.816 trillion in 2006 to $3.069 trillion in 2007 to $3.297 trillion in 2008 placing india on position 5 according to the cia world factbook. Most of this (53.4% 2008) comes from the services sector in India. Conclusion Which country will have the best market to export goods and products to? India is a very interesting country to trade with. The economy is on a strong growth trajectory and predictions are that it keeps growing. All India has to do is keep their market open and keep on working on improving their infrastructure and educational system, this would also improve their GDP per capita. India has also barely been affected by the economic crisis of 2008/2009 Italy on the other hand has had a real problem since the beginning of the crisis, in the EU Italy has taken one of the hardest hits on GDP (PPP) and GDP Growth rate, however, even before the start of the crisis the Italian economy had already been ‘sluggish. In the end, it all depends on what goods and products you are planning to export. Italy has few natural resources because Italy has specialized on industry and building luxury goods and for all this you need materials so exporting natural resources would be best here. In India we would export capital/consumer goods, if the economy keeps growing as predicted than that combined with the fact that the liberalization of import taxes continues also adding a population of over 1 billion people. Makes it one of the biggest potential markets in the world at this time. Concluding that both of the countries have their advantages, the EU in Italy and the market potential of India, we prefer India to trade with. Sources:

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Maya Angelou :: essays research papers

when Maya Angelou was a young woman -- "in the crisp days of my youth," she says -- she carried with her a secret conviction that she wouldn't live past the age of 28. Raped by her mother's boyfriend at 8 and a mother herself since she graduated from high school, she supported herself and her son, Guy, through a series of careers and buoyed by an implacable ambition to escape what might have been a half-lived, ground-down life of poverty and despair. "For it is hateful to be young, bright, ambitious and poor," Angelou observes. "The added insult is to be aware of one's poverty." In "Even the Stars Look Lonesome," her new collection of reflective autobiographical essays, Angelou gives no further explanation for her "profound belief" that she would die young. "I was thirty-six before I realized that I had lived years beyond my deadline and needed to revise my thinking about an early death," she recalls. "With that realization life waxed sweeter. Old acquaintances became friendships, and new clever acquaintances showed themselves more interesting. Old loves burdened with memories of disappointments and betrayals packed up and left town, leaving no forwarding address, and new loves came calling." Now 69, Angelou is the nearest thing America has to a sacred institution, a high priestess of culture and love in the tradition of such distaff luminaries (all of them, hitherto, white) as Isadora Duncan and Pearl S. Buck, with a bit of Eleanor Roosevelt and Aimà ©e Semple MacPherson thrown into the mix. "She was born poor and powerless in a land where/power is money and money is adored," the poet Angelou writes in tribute to another astonishing black woman of our time, Oprah Winfrey. "Born black in a land where might is white/and white is adored./Born female in a land where decisions are masculine/and masculinity controls." Angelou's lifelong effort to escape and expose the "national, racial and historical hallucinations" that have burdened black women in America and replace them with a shining exemplar of power, achievement and generosity of spirit is as miraculous as she says it is, even if one suspects that in "real life" Angelou must be a little hard to take. "I would have my ears filled with the world's music," she writes, "the grunts of hewers of wood, the cackle of old folks sitting in the last sunlight and the whir of busy bees in the early morning .

Saturday, October 12, 2019

National Forest :: essays research papers

National Forest   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  There are many National Forests in the United States, and they are spread over the whole country. National Forest also have a huge variety of climates. Ranging from the very cold weather of the Chugach National Forest in Alaska to the warm weather of the Kisatchie National Forest in Louisiana or even to the intermediate weather like our on Wayne National Forest in southeastern Ohio. National Forest are also very helpful towards humans and the way we live. On the other side of the hand they may also be harmful to us. Indeed there are many interesting things in the world of National Forest today.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Like I said before the climates in National Forest are different that means that the animals that live there are also different. For example Polar Bears won’t live in Florida and alligators won’t live in Alaska. The Chugach National Forest has animals likes the moose, the black bear or the elk and has a huge variety of fish to go with it. But the Kisatchie National Forest has the wild turkey to go along with many different other kinds of birds, and fish, and deer. The Wayne National Forest has animals from deer to foxes to turkeys and even some black bear, it also has many birds and fish.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Some of the good things about National Forest is that they give us plenty of oxygen to breath to begin with. They also give us some really beautiful scenery for us to look at and many animals to admire. Without them every tree in the United States would probably be cut down and used for probably useless things. The National Forest give plants for animals to eat and give animals for humans to hunt and kill with some regulations in the process then you can eat them. Not only can you eat the animals that you hunt you can eat the animals that you fish for just make sure that the fish isn’t poisonous before you eat it or else. It gives you beautiful plants and trees that gives us oxygen to breath and it also gives us plenty of fish and animals to hunt and fish for and eat if we want.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Then there is some of the bad things about the National Forest. Like protecting how many of the animals we kill witch could feed many starving people in other countries. Also by not letting people kill a lot of animals the animals could get really over populated and overrun the city streets.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Jet Etihad Deal Analysis Essay

Jet-Etihad deal On April 24 Jet Airways and Etihad signed the strategic alliance. The Etihad agrees to buy a 24% stake in the Jet for about Rs 2,060 crore. It is the biggest deal in Indian aviation sector. On May 24, Jet shareholders approved the stake sale. The airline deferred its resolution to amend the company’s articles of association. However the deal is facing hurdles with share holders and even Securities and Exchange Board of India (Sebi) and Foreign Investment Promotion Board (FIPB) of India raising concerns over â€Å"substantial rights† being accorded to Etihad Airways. The FIPB has deferred granting sanction to the proposal until the issues regarding control are addressed. The Jet Airways-Etihad share holder agreement is likely to be revised again following SEBI and FIPB concerns over substantial control to the Abu Dhabi airline under the deal. The major concern of SEBI and FIPB were- * Under the current agreement board resolutions require consent of 3/4th of members majority for decision and As per the agreement Etihad would get three board positions while Jet Airways would have four members. There will be seven independents on the board. * The agreement has unilateral right and can be terminated by Etihad any time. * The jet airways headquarters will be shifted to Abu Dhabi where it is subjected to law and control of Abu Dhabi. On May 27, the two airlines amended its shareholder agreement to address shareholder and SEBI concerns on ‘control’ and ‘ownership’. The major changes were- * Etihad will not have the unilateral right to terminate the commercial cooperation agreement and this right will now be held by both sides. * The other change pertained to constitution of the nomination committee of the board which will make key board and management appointments. The nomination committee will include one person nominated each by Jet Airways and Etihad and three other board members will be chosen through consensus. But still the Foreign Investment Promotion Board defers approval to Jet-Etihad alliance due to More changes were being proposed to address the concerns. Impact on Economy, Stock Market and various other Areas The favour of the bilateral pact point to the 1.8 million Indians who live and work in the UAE that, they can fly to India cheaply. Earlier they had to spend their yearly savings to make one trip back home. The latest exchange of seats with Abu Dhabi is because of Abu Dhabi has agreed to invest $50 billion in infrastructure projects in India. It will lead to growth of aviation sector and will generate employment in India. The agreement has a clause that deal can be terminated if requisite permissions are not received before July 31. However, the discussions are now on to renegotiate the terms of the deal at a price lower than that agreed upon earlier.† The two airlines are now discussing changes in the investor agreement. These include a possible revision in purchase price. Under the agreement signed by the airlines on April 24, Jet Airways had agreed to issue 24 per cent equity to Etihad by way of preference shares in a deal valued at about Rs 2,060 crore. Etihad had agreed to a pay a premium of 31 per cent on Jet’s stock price (Rs 573 at that time). The Jet stock fell four per cent from its previous close on BSE to end the day at Rs 403.45. after the FIPB decided to defer the approval of Jet-Ethiad deal. It further fell drastically and came to 369.85 till date. Impact if deal is approved by FIPB If the deal gets green signal from the regulating authorities, their would be a positive impact on our economy. It will push the stock of all the airlines upward especially Jet airways because it will open doors for other airlines for merger with other foreign airlines and would attract FDI which in turn will lead to growth and development of our economy. It would ease the pressure of high current account deficit in long run because if more and more dollars will flow in form of FDI’s in India, than rupee will appreciate in terms of dollar.